Genealogy Club
Exploring our roots, sharing our knowledge and enhancing our skills
Are you interested in learning more about your ancestors? As a hobby, genealogy has seen tremendous growth in recent years. The Stone Creek Genealogy Club is a group of residents who share a love of researching their family history. Whether you are a beginner, just starting to explore your roots, or have already learned quite a bit about them, please consider joining us. Monthly meetings generally include an educational presentation focusing on a specific geographical area, a research tool, or some other topic of interest, as well as lively discussion with members sharing their findings and helping each other overcome roadblocks in their research. Mentoring is also available for beginners or members who need ideas to revive their research.
The Genealogy Club meets at 10:00 am on the fourth Thursday of each month in Meeting Rooms 1 at the Stone Creek Reunion Center (except in November and December, when the meeting takes place on the third Thursday because of the holidays).
Our next meeting will be on January 23 at 10:00 in Meeting Room 1. We will have a presentation on the variety of genealogy programs you can use to produce your family tree.
You can contact the Genealogy Club at Write to us if you have any questions or if you would like to arrange a mentoring session. Also, please let us know if there is a topic that you would like to see in an upcoming presentation at the monthly meetings. We are always looking for good ideas.
If you would like to receive meeting notices and other announcements from the Genealogy Club, please send an email to the address above with SUBSCRIBE in the subject line.
Links to presentations and handouts from past meetings are in the Documents section below.
Board of Officers
President: Sue Enrico
Vice-President: Katie LeMere
Treasurer/Secretary: Judy Nastalski
Webpage Editor
Sue Enrico
Image Gallery
No images provided.