Mat Fitness with Maureen
Instructor: Maureen Punch card class
Instructor: Maureen Punch card class
***Instructor Sue Punch card class
Barre combines ballet-inspired movements (the barre that gives this training style its name is used as a support for some…
A blend of cardio and weights to get you going. Instructor: Maureen Punch card class
Strength training class just for men. Level 1. Learn basic techniques of weight training using dumbbells of various weights in…
Level 2 strength training for men in a group setting coached by a Personal Trainer. Participants work with dumbbells, weighted…
This is a group strength training class designed to help you learn the fundamental basics of free weight training using…
Join Janet for this "Walk Away the Pounds" style class. Focus on having fun while getting your steps in. Punch…
This class is taught by a Certified Personal Trainer for intermediate level to advanced Strength Training in a group setting.…
This is a group strength training class designed to help you learn the fundamental basics of free weight training using…
***Instructor Maureen Punch card class
Tabata is a popular and fun interval format. The music is cued by a voice that commands that you begin…